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Inception: I briefed the team to re-launch our email training sales!

With three months to go before our emailing training cycle of the first half of 2019, and since there are still a few spots left, it was time to do a targeted campaign to re-engage people with (potentially) an interest in them!

The interesting thing about Badsender is that what we do for ourselves is often something we could do for our customers. So there's nothing like showing you publicly how we work. So here, we'll write a brief for this campaign. For now, just the brief... but we'll obviously show you what it looks like as soon as it's launched!

Before we start, as a reminder, here are the trainings that are organized (so you know what we're talking about 😉 ):

Here we go! For the brief. I'm giving it to you in raw mode, with no comments other than what's needed for the campaign to be effectively produced! If you want some info on what makes a good emailing brief, there is a old article on the subject here. It goes without saying that here we are in a full service mode ;-).

1. General information

  • Campaign title: Re-launch of training May 2019
  • Name of the campaign manager: Jonathan Loriaux
  • Email address of the person in charge: jloriaux AT
  • Phone number of the person in charge : 01 76 38 00 26
  • Brand : Agence Badsender
  • Expected submission date: February 28, 2019
  • Number of versions: 3 versions (emailing strategy, email deliverability, HTML for email)

2. Objectives

The main objective of the campaign is to generate requests for information via the validation of the form present on the pages of the different emailing courses. This is the KPI that will be mainly used to measure the performance of the campaign. The two complementary KPIs are the number of clicks and the volume of sales generated.

3. Target

The target is all Badsender optins who have shown an interest in one of the themes in recent months.

Targeted html training for email


  • People who have visited the dedicated training page since Nov. 1, 2018
  • People who downloaded the white paper onhtml integration for email
  • Personas: Email designer / Email integrator / Web developer


Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

  • People who have completed the training form

Target deliverability training


  • People who have visited the dedicated training page since Nov. 1, 2018
  • People who have downloaded the deliverability white paper since Nov. 1, 2018
  • People who have taken our deliverability personality test since November 1, 2018
  • Personas: IT Manager


  • People who have completed the training form
  • The html target for the email

Target emailing strategy training


  • People who have visited the dedicated training page since Nov. 1, 2018
  • People who have visited Badsender's general training page since November 1, 2018
  • Personas: Head of CRM / CRM Project Manager / Marketing Manager


  • People who have completed the training form
  • HTML targets for email and deliverability

4. Message

Declination of html training for email

  • Draft subject line: Training - Become an expert in html integration for email
  • Main Title Project: A trainer with his hands in email all year long!
  • Call to Action Project: This way to the program!
  • Description of main product(s):
    • Main Product: HTML for email training - During 2 days, you will learn all the best practices in HTML integration for email in order to produce newsletters compatible with both mobile environments, but also with all email clients on the market. The link:
    • Secondary product 1: Succeed in your emailing strategy - This emailing training will give you the keys to create more effective emailings, to correctly animate your active contact base, to set up triggers and indispensable scenarios in order to increase the relational dimension between your brand and your contacts. The link :
    • Secondary product 2: Deliverability training - The objective of this deliverability training is not only to learn the main principles of deliverability, but above all to teach you how to carry out deliverability monitoring in order to detect any problem that might occur and to learn how to trace the source of this problem in order to solve it. The link:

Declination of deliverability training

  • Draft subject line: Training - Don't suffer from the deliverability of your emails
  • Main Title Project: A trainer with his hands in deliverability all year long!
  • Call to Action Project: This way to the program!
  • Description of main product(s):
    • Main product: Deliverability training - The objective of this deliverability training is not only to learn the main principles of deliverability, but above all to teach you how to carry out deliverability monitoring in order to detect any problem that might occur and to learn how to trace the source of this problem in order to solve it. The link:
    • Secondary product 1: Succeed in your emailing strategy - This emailing training will give you the keys to create more effective emailings, to correctly animate your active contact base, to set up triggers and indispensable scenarios in order to increase the relational dimension between your brand and your contacts. The link :
    • Secondary Product 2: HTML for Email Training - During 2 days, you will learn all the best practices in HTML integration for email in order to produce newsletters compatible with both mobile environments and all email clients on the market. The link:

Declination training emailing strategy

  • Draft subject line: Training - Become an emailing strategy expert
  • Main Title Project: A consultant with her hands in email strategy all year long!
  • Call to Action Project: This way to the program!
  • Description of main product(s):
    • Main product: Succeed in your emailing strategy - This emailing training will give you the keys to make more effective emailings, correctly animate your active contact base, set up the triggers and scenarios that are essential to increase the relational dimension between your brand and your contacts. The link :
    • Secondary product 1: Deliverability training - The objective of this deliverability training is not only to learn the main principles of deliverability, but above all to teach you how to carry out deliverability monitoring in order to detect any problem that might occur and to learn how to trace the source of this problem in order to solve it. The link:
    • Secondary Product 2: HTML for Email Training - During 2 days, you will learn all the best practices in HTML integration for email in order to produce newsletters compatible with both mobile environments and all email clients on the market. The link:


In each version, add a block containing information about the reasons for targeting in the footer. Like on the confirmation email of the HTML integration white paper.

5. Design

Older campaigns that can be used as examples


6. Send

One shot campaign. We target February 28 in the late morning.

7. Miscellaneous

  • AB test: No, target too small
  • AB test items: n/a
  • Other(s): n/a

What's next?

We'll show you what it looks like! Whether it's the creative (you may even be targeted), but also the results! Well, if you feel like you needa coach to help you, it's here !

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo financially supports the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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