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Drafting of emailings and newsletters

The writing is not so simple...

How can you make your writing stand out from the crowd? How can you stop saying the same thing over and over to your recipients? Badsender can help you define the rules of copywriting and build your editorial posture. We'll also help you identify all the topics you could cover in your emails and marketing automation scenarios.
text writing email

Writing emails and newsletters.

We carry out writing your emailings.

First, we define an email framework according to your brand posture, character traits and values. We build a set of rough edges and drafting rules that can be applied to all types of emails to ensure consistency.

Creation of forms, landing pages and preference centers.

Good copywriting of your messages on inbound marketing channels is the best way to improve your lead acquisition rates. And start the eCRM dialogue under the best auspices.

Writing your marketing automation scenarios.

Whether it's your welcome program, your referral program or your post-purchase cycle, we write your emails.

We prioritize messages Those to be conveyed before conversion, and which will trigger the act of purchase. Those to be used after the order has been placed, to encourage long-term loyalty.


And if not...

In practice?

1. Reflection & Analysis

Let's start with a kickoff session to define your strategic objectives.

We analyze your web content, social networks and current emails.

We match the content to your email campaign statistics.

2. Interviews

To feel and define your brand posture, character traits, values and the messages your brand wishes to conveywe conduct a series of interviews: management, customer service, SEO and content production, marketing, ...

3. Creative workshop

To validate what we've sensed so far, and to bring out the rough edges of the writing.

4. Reset

We present and return the deliverables: 

  • A framework for email writing Writing rules, brand posture, character traits, values, writing rough edges, email examples (promo, trigger, ...)
  • An email editorial plan Definition of priority topics and messages, classification of topics by message type, dispatch schedule

5. Writing emails

Finally, we prioritize which emails to write first. And we write them: subject / preheader, main title, text, CTA, reassurance elements, contact... right down to the footer!

We may suggest an AB test.

We always have ideas related to writing content for emails.
Storytelling, offbeat tone, humor, more formal tone... You know, at Badsender, a few of our team members are particularly creative when it comes to writing messages that match your expectations. And we're not targeting anyone. And then we also offer training in Emailing Strategy, so that you learn to write your own content that sends heavy.

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