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Dial your reply address to boost its reputation!

Hello World ! Welcome to this 2ème article of February where I'll talk about an e-mail address often abandoned ... The well named ... Reply address! Even today, unfortunately, I still see reply addresses with an alias "noreply". There we already know that any reply to the e-mail will not be answered... And it's a shame because this reply address could allow you to boost your reputation... More below!

E-mailing is a two-way communication channel: An advertiser communicates with a recipient and the latter has the possibility to answer. So far so good?! But some advertisers have forgotten this concept and use the e-mail channel in a unilateral way: understand "I'm talking to you but don't talk to me". Well... Nice mistake! Simply because interactions between a sender and a recipient are perceived as positive behaviors. And yes! And know that the more there is, the more it will serve your reputation!

What is a reply address???

The reply address is the e-mail address that will be used when a recipient clicks on the reply button of his e-mail. Generally, it is the advertiser who defines this address in his routing tool (and therefore it is customizable).

If it is not defined, the sender address will be used as the reply address. Its choice is important because it will have a strong impact on the vision your recipients will have of your brand. There is nothing more annoying when you finally contact a brand (via the reply address) and they don't answer you... And yes, your recipients have things to tell you 😉

Why manage your reply address?

As I said above, your recipients will at some point have things to say to you, so why not listen to them? They could for example :

  • Report a technical or personalization problem... => This will enable you to update the person's profile and thus improve your targeting in the next campaign.
  • To report dissatisfaction with excessive commercial pressure... => This would allow you to unsubscribe the person directly and test a more restrictive commercial pressure.
  •  Notify you of non-opt-in and/or irrelevant solicitations... => This would enable you to avoid a complaint and test other types of content or re-optinize some of the addresses.
  • Ask for additional information on the e-mail you received... => This will help you establish a positive exchange with the person and optimize your content for the next campaign.

Moreover, these exchanges, if they are beneficial (beware, there are unfortunately some madmen), would allow you to establish a lasting dialogue with the person and why not restore the image of your brand to these recipients not always happy.

One thing is sure, you will have everything to gain! Optimize your targeting, have better content, avoid complaints and send a strong positive signal to your users (I repeat myself but there is nothing more annoying than talking in a vacuum...).

And on top of that, these dialogues are a positive signal for your reputation because you will show ISPs/Webmails that you have one-to-one exchanges with your recipients (and if they play the game and answer it's even better) but they are also a strong signal sent to your recipients.

What are the requirements for a reply address?

The "Best Practices" on the use and management of a reply-to address are quite simple to set up but will require a little gymnastics. These BP are defined in four actions:

  • Find out who will manage the reply-to address: Who are you? The marketing team? Customer service? It can quickly become a point of contention if it's generic 😉
  • Find the right alias : the alias is the name before @ of an address. Here, we avoid "nepasrepondre", "noreply", ... At Badsender, we use "yesreply".
  • Configuring an MX server : crucial! Without a mail server, it's impossible to send and receive e-mails. You'll need to contact your IT department.
  • Filtering, surveying and responding Three in one! First of all, you need to set up filters to delete all "out of office" messages, then read (or consult) all the other e-mails you receive, and finally respond quickly to reports and/or requests.

Some people may be afraid to manage this reply address for various reasons: more time to allocate to a new task, too many e-mails to manage, etc. Don't be afraid, stay positive!

The "noreply" war!!!

In 2012, Jonathan via Badsender launched the #noreplywar! The goal was to ban the alias "noreply" ( of any email address (sending or responding) to allow each consumer to be able to respond to a communication to create a discussion between them and the brand.

This is how the alias "yesreply" was born!

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.


If you haven't already thought about this, it would be a good idea, after reading this article, to think about a strategy on how to use and manage your reply address and the possibilities it can offer you. And if you don't do it now, you'll never do it! Hence the interest in talking to you about it in this 2nd article on the Good Resolutions of 2021!

Even if an anti-spam filter won't punish you for using a "noreply", the recipient will be less understanding about not being able to answer you... In short, think about it 🙂


Tell us everything, do you use a "real" reply address or are you still at "noreply"???

Do you need help? We can help you with your delivery issues but also with your e-mailing strategies.


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Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

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