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Job emailing : Sarbacane is looking for a Growth Hacker for Tipimail, its transactional email platform


In a few weeks, Sarbacane will launch its transactional email platform. This new solution is called Tipimail and we will come back to it as soon as we have access :-). In the meantime, to build the project, Tipimail is looking for a Growth Hacker or a Marketing Rock Star (you choose).

Description of the mission

Under the responsibility of the Marketing Director, you will be in charge of managing and optimizing the acquisition levers and their budgets, you will follow the ROI of the different channels and ensure the assessment of the actions. You will have the opportunity to express all your talent as a marketer, with only one objective: growth!

  • Definition and implementation of the global marketing strategy
  • SEO optimization through netlinking and on-site optimization actions
  • Management and optimization of sponsored links: from the choice of keywords to the development of specific landing pages with the production team
  • Implementation of targeted advertising campaigns (display, retargeting...)
  • Creation and development of marketing content strategies (blog articles, webinars, videos, case studies, ...)
  • Identify opportunities to improve sites and optimize the user experience, formulating proposals for action and implementing A/B testing campaigns, Monitoring and analyzing the audience (Google Analytics)
  • Creation, coordination and follow-up of emailing campaigns (targeting, file processing, sending, follow-up and reminders)
  • Participation in community management on the main social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin,...)
  • Participation in the organization and holding of events where TipiMail is present: conferences, trade shows, meetups, etc.
  • Search and management of partners
  • Participation in strategic thinking about our product
The author

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