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Email Marketing Analysis - La Redoute: opening and technical aspects - Part 2

Second stage of theanalysis of the email marketing program of La Redoute. This time, we will analyze the opening of the newsletter and the technical aspects. If you have not yet read the first part, it's here !


As we only have access to publicly available data, this analysis only looks at the user's perspective of a newsletter.

The actual performance of the email marketing program in question, the data management, the routing, the creative process, the triggers, the opt-in management, the cross-channel, the AB Testing, ... are therefore not targeted.

Do not hesitate to contact Badsender for more information.



Identification of the sender

At the level of theidentification of the sender newsletter, it is very clear and consistent, all emails are sent in the name of "La Redoute" and the shipping email address is "".

On the other hand, when we are in the notification emails (welcome, profile change confirmation, ...), the identification is more delicate since, depending on the case, we can find :

  • Redoute Customer Service
  • La Redoute Home
  • La Redoute Customer Relations

These are the only three aliases that were found during the tests, but considering the diversity, there are no doubt others. There is a need for harmonization in this area.

At the level of shipping addresses for these same notification emails, there is also some harmonization to be done as we find, depending on the case: "", "" or "".


Most of the time, the email subjects sent are relatively short (less than 10 words). The frequency of sending being importantmany subjectlines are redundant and give the same overall message about the same promotion.

Point positivethere is regularly a notion of urgency in the email subjects. But beware of a certain lassitude that could emerge by dint of hitting the same nail.

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It's hard to know from the consumer's perspective, but given the frequency of the mailing, there is little chance of AB Testing be carried out in a systematic way for optimize email subjects. It should be remembered that an optimized subject can double or even triple the results of an email marketing campaign. With an audience like La Redoute's, it would be a shame to do without.

Interestingly, thealmost systematic use of the exclamation mark at the end of the subjects ... probably to be evaluated in a test.

Technical aspects

HTML integration and text version

At the level of the quality of the html code and precautions that are usual in email marketing, La Redoute's emails are of a very good level.

On the other hand, the choices of cutting and html integration go systematically to emails constituted at 80% imageswhich is not not a good ratio for deliverability.

As for the text versions, let's keep it simple: nothing! Whether in the notification emails or in the newsletters, there is absolutely no text version. For an email marketing program of this level, it is really very surprising. Adding a text version to emails is a practice that remains absolutely essential.

Shipping technique and deliverability

To send its newsletters, La Redoute uses Neolane and it goes without saying that DKIM and SPF (identification of the sender) are properly configured.

What is more surprising is theabsence complete technology "List-Unsubscribe"which allows the consumer to unsubscribe directly via the interface of his email client and thus to reduce the number of clicks on the "This is a spam".

As we have already seen above, no text version and a large image ratio in html integration, which can be penalizing at the level of anti-spam filters.

It should also be noted (although we will come back to this in the section on ergonomics) that the unsubscribe link is not easy to find... which could lead the user to classify the email as a spam.

The fact that email addresses "from are different in email notifications and newsletters can be problematic, especially since the recommendation to add to the address book is not always consistent.

Deliverability is strongly influenced by the quality of the database and the response rate of the emailings, which is difficult to evaluate in this analysis.

To be continued!

In the next partWe will analyze the ergonomics, the content and the interactivity of La Redoute's newsletters.

The author

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