Two weeks ago, I asked you this question sn this blogbut also on LinkedIn and on Viadeo. No less than 8 answers were received with known and less known proposals.
Thanks to all those who took time to answer me, in no particular order:
Paul de Fombelle (Sarbacane), Sabri Mahjoub (Campaign Keeper), Gaëlle Guillocheau (Dolist), Pascal Lachance (Altus), Anne-Catherine Schaub-Jones (GraphicMail), Sophie Guin (43 Degrees), Jordan Gomès (Gomès Brothers) and Camille Afchain (Emailing Studio)
Email Marketing blogs cited:
- The official blog of Sarbacane :
- A blog about email marketing and deliverability hosted by Jérôme Gays :
- The official blog of GraphicMail
- A blog on the side Email marketing technique (Spam, MTA, ...) :
- Blog dedicated to the email marketing animated by Guillaume Fleureau :
- E-mail acquisition and retention, the blog ofEric Prigent : - All the news about emailing and CRM Marketing seen by Bruno Florence :
- Badsender 😉 : (it was quoted ... I couldn't do otherwise)
- The blog of Campaign Keeper
- Snipemail's blog by Charles Boone :
- The blog of 43degrees
- The blog of Camille Afchain
- Consonaute, hosted by Bruno Fridlansky :
The prize certainly goes to Consonaut which is by far the most quoted blog.
This list is obviously not not completeso don't hesitate to mention the forgotten ones in the comments!
Do you have an idea for a question?
If you have an idea for a question along the same lines, please let me know!
Updated October 2012: Find here the new list of emailing blogs in French
4 réponses
I am looking for a technology that allows me to create a client account containing information given by the client (email, level of experience, software available, desired frequency of sending emails, etc.) and the results of his training program. According to this information, an email is sent every day, once a week, etc. containing courses and exercises to train a software. This is a very special mailing.
Do you have any tips on what solutions are currently available on the market?
Let's just say that in your case, it's probably better to go for an e-learning solution than just an emailing solution.
For example, you could look at or
Kind regards
Thank you so much for the links and for your efforts 🙂
Thank you for this article, it is very interesting