Teambuilding Spring 2022

6 months after our last teambuilding in the great noooorddirection Bordeaux! It is in a gîte in Yvrac that we met. We are 10 people scattered in the 4 corners of France to try to give sense to an activity which does not always have any. Here is a little summary of what happened.

Work hard.

After Jonathan's very light opening speech ("I'm glad to be here!"), Olivier put us directly under pressure by doing a retrospective of the last teambuilding: were all the actions taken during the last teambuilding well undertaken? If not, why not? Do we keep the idea? Should we throw it away? (It's okay... we did a good job overall).

We then reviewed our balance sheet and for the first time (and certainly not the last) on our carbon footprint !

We reviewed our famous "9 month course". Our activity is constantly evolving and it is important that we constantly readjust our course. We took the opportunity to discuss what is fluid in our operation and what it is less.

During the lunch, we talked about our soft power and the values carried by Badsender.

After lunch, we had an ice-breaker workshop called "cuddling and masochism." They were all scared but they A-DO'd.

Fab turned the program upside down by creating a "Help: FFT emergency" break. He took advantage of 4 integrators gathered in the same room to code 36 HTML. Well done Fab, the solidarity effect worked very well!

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

Olivier and Thomas led a workshop on "UX design and email". We tried to define this group of words and list actions to include more UX in our briefs, our design, our inté, LePatron ...

The next day, Pierre presented what he has been working on for a few months about the Boss (we won't tell you everything here because we will certainly make some noise in September about it. In any case, we were all bluffed. We're getting ready, we're making ourselves beautiful, it's going to come... be patient!).

Greg and Thomas followed up with concrete cases on how to integrate our master templates into the email builders of routing tools What are the specificities of each one, how far we can go.

I would like to thank Olivier in particular for his knowledge of excellent methods (serious game, ice breaker...) for leading workshops, taking notes and transforming them into actions.

Enjoy hard.

We cooked, we drank, we ate, we played, we bathed, we discussed, we laughed. We are not going to tell you everything either but know that :

  • Nobody knows how to do the Dirty Dancing lift (despite the promises of some!).
  • Jonathan is not God.
  • Marion M. is the queen of Badminton (and the Disney blind test).
  • No one has the same rules in Mölkky: when the pins fall, you have to put them back upright at the exact spot where they fell, i.e. at the tip of the pin, right?
  • Thomas dressed as a hunter, we did not understand.
  • Marion D. is not very good at "Draw and win!" or rather her drawings are not understood by others.
  • Greg carries the Tabis, still called Japanese socks and it stresses Marion D.
  • Fab resists the call of the swimming pool by 33°c, we are persuaded that he is reptilian!
  • Seb thinks he knows how to talk to dogs, but in fact not really...
  • Pierre is kicking everyone's ass at Limbo.
  • Solène has more than one trick up her sleeve: she builds her own tiny house and we are all bluffed.
  • Olivier is able to spend hours in a hot tub, all the while having philosophical conversations.

See you in 6 months

Our goal: to see each other in 3D twice a year! Obviously we discussed our desires: rather towards the South / South-East of France, accessible by train, rather countryside / full nature, rather in "open" mode on the outside by inviting guests for a digital fresco (Cuckoo Basile!) and/or a first aid training for example. In any case, we are all looking forward to meeting again.

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo and Cofidis financially support the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author

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