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501 - 5.1.7 Bad sender's mailbox address syntax

Extract from the RFC 3463 -Enhanced Mail System Status Codes :

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X.1.7   Bad sender's mailbox address syntax

The sender's address was syntactically invalid.This can apply to any field in the address.

X.1.8   Bad sender's system address

The sender's system specified in the address does not exist or
is incapable of accepting return mail.  For domain names, this
means the address portion to the right of the "@" is invalid
for mail.

If this happens to you, call in a specialist!

The author

2 réponses

  1. Hello,

    Is the data still reliable from 2003?


  2. Hello Matthieu,

    A priori, an RFC is made to last 😉

    But on the other hand, the implementation of this RFC by the various email servers will not always be up to the standard!


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