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Sweego: Revolutionizing notification with a European 100% solution

Mindbaz is a long-standing player in the French email market. So when an emailing solution As we embark on the adventure of a traditional notification platform, we ask ourselves a few questions ("Why?" for example ;-)).

So we invited Pierre-Yves DubreucqMindbaz's CTO to tell us more about the reasons behind the launch of this new multi-channel notification orchestration platform.

Sweego, multi-channel notification orchestration platform

Jonathan Loriaux, Badsender : What exactly is Sweego?

Pierre-Yves Dubreucq, Mindbaz/Sweego : Sweego is first and foremost a multi-channel notification orchestration platform, designed as a tool for developers. Developers can use it to integrate a notification system into their solutions. But Sweego doesn't stop there. It enables all types of messages to be sent, with a particular focus on transactional or CRM messages.

Jonathan Loriaux: There are already notification-oriented 100% API platforms. What makes Sweego unique on the market?

Pierre-Yves Dubreucq: It's true. There are players specializing in notification platforms. However, Sweego stands out for its European sovereignty. All our partners are European, which enables us to guarantee the security and confidentiality of our users' data. We also focus on on eco-designeven if we recognize that there's still a long way to go.

Beyond digital sovereignty, 100%'s notification-oriented API platforms take a uniquely multi-provider approach. In other words, they provide an API that unifies the APIs of different providers by channel. Sweego will also enable this unification, but we're also going to be one of the providers for the email channel, and for this we can draw on our deliverability expertise after 15 years in mass emailing with Mindbaz. Sweego will therefore be sovereign and designed to ensure that messages arrive at the right place at the right time.

Jonathan Loriaux: What prompted you to launch Sweego?

Pierre-Yves Dubreucq: Initially, we had the idea of creating a platform for sending transactional e-mails. However, as we surveyed our users, it became clear that we also needed to cover multi-channel. We identified a need for a European tool dedicated to notification, a tool as indispensable as Stripe for billing or Auth0 for authentication.

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Jonathan Loriaux: Let's talk about channels. Which channels are managed by the platform?

Pierre-Yves Dubreucq: Right now, we're focusing on email, but we'll soon be integrating Slack and other channels like SMS, in-app notifications, web and mobile push, and maybe even RCSwhich offers a wealth of possibilities.

Jonathan Loriaux: Is the platform already available?

Pierre-Yves Dubreucq: Yes, this is a public beta. Anyone can register via Users will benefit from six months' free access, up to a limit of 100,000 e-mails and 50,000 API calls per month. Sweego will be multi-channel, but also multi-provider, which means we'll be offering an API covering all channels, with several providers per channel.

Jonathan Loriaux: A last word to conclude?

Pierre-Yves Dubreucq: Sweego is a tool for developers, designed to automate the sending of multi-channel notifications and messages. Our aim is to be business-layer agnostic, enabling us to address both marketing automation and notification automation needs in different fields. A dream? Getting Doctolib to sign up to integrate their notifications in a sovereign European environment.

To find out more, visit the Sweego website:

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