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Video: Is writing an email a job in itself?

It's really hard to write an impactful email. I'm talking about the email that makes you smile, that surprises you, that alerts you, that perhaps sometimes saddens you... The one that makes you feel connected to a brand by sharing values and commitments.

Emails are still too often a commercial description of an offer. " Up to -40% on our products! "
Very promotional, not really attractive, heavy in terms of marketing pressure... So we try what we can: emoticons, puns, marketing chestnuts... But it's not enough.

What we dream of writing is content that connects us with our readers, that inspires them, that creates a long term relationship.

In this video, we will explain how to write relevant content for an email of course, but we will also talk about editorial identity, storytelling (remember I said it was bullshit)and also the organization of CRM teams.

To answer all our questions (and we have many!), we invite Muriel VandermeulenDirector of Wearethewordsan agency that helps companies boost their performance by using the right words!

Discover our tips for writing a successful email in video! It was December 16, 2021 on Youtube Live:

The participants

Muriel Vandermeulen Muriel is a content marketing expert. She created her agency more than twenty years ago, WearethewordsMuriel is a specialist in the design, animation and optimization of editorial devices for the acquisition, conversion and retention of marketing targets. Muriel seeks to explore the best way to associate editorial and this interaction space, where the user has an active role to play.

Marion Duchatelet : She advises Badsender's clients in their emailing strategy and in the choice of their tools. She organizes master template design workshops for email builder LePatron. She writes articles, hosts live shows, does training with Badsender but not only that, she jumps on all good ideas to make sure they become reality. She never gives up, never! She wants to understand everything, EVERYTHING!

The author

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