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Badsender of the week: Spam goes on a cruise!

31 spams in 30 days by a sender named "Theme Cruise"! When you know that Gmail deletes emails after... 30 days in its spam box, it's likely that this has been going on for a while 🙂

The concept?

The media, in a will of diversification, organize, via an intermediary, here " ", cruises... with theme. The themes of these cruises are linked to the themes of the organizing media and personalities join the event. This is how Historia organizes a cruise "The Passion of History". But in fact, this is not the most important thing!

The problem?

The problem is that with 12 emails for a Historia cruise or 15 emails for a "L'Obs" cruise (all organized with Costa), it's neither the real cruise organizer ( nor the sender of the email ( that get a bad image from the consos, but rather the press titles.

But by the way, who is the sender of these emails?

First of all, the addresses that have received these emails are "old" addresses that have obviously never signed up for any program called ""! In the emails, if there is a link to unsubscribe, there is obviously no information related to a CNIL number, nor any link to legal mentions. The only visible mention states "This cruise is organized by Costa Cruises. Program guaranteed from 100 passengers except in case of force majeure" which is a nice way to draw attention to Costa ... which has nothing to do with the sending of the email (a priori).

If we go a little further, we realize that "" redirects to "" which itself would be the property of Promedi SARL ... a beautiful bag of bows!

Need help?

Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

The moral of the story

The crooks are rarely the ones who get slapped the most! Here, it is clearly the media and Costa who will have their image tarnished.

This shows once again the lack of control induced by the use of email acquisition services that we will carefully call "borderline". Marketers of all stripes, if an email campaign starts in your name without you receiving a test email, it's a bad campaign. Demand transparency from your partners!

Identity card

Generic email information:

  • Subject of the email : (note the great character of death 🙂 )
    • The Future Cruise with L'Obs from June 2 to 11, 2015
    • Take a cruise with the columnists and editorialists of Valeurs Actuelles
    • Discover the program of the first ENQUIRY & MYSTERIES cruise
    • Embark on an exceptional Baltic cruise in the heart of history
  • From : Thematic Cruise
  • Preheader To view this message correctly, go to the online version
  • Router : A server with an OVH IP

Checklist :

  • Link to privacy : KO
  • Link to unsubscribe : OK
  • DKIM : OK
  • Text version : KO
  • Text to Image Ratio : OK
  • List-unsubscribe : OK
  • Friendly reply : I doubt it!
  • Mobile ready : OK

Screenshot of the email


The author

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