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Checking your email campaigns: the pre-send checklist!

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Who hasn't been faced with a last-minute design disaster? email campaign management ? Who hasn't shuddered before launching an email campaign? When it's time to press the "Send" button, are you sure you've thought of everything? With our checklist, we suggest you check a number of sensitive points before sending your email campaign. That's all there is to it.

Is my HTML code coded with tables? Do animated gifs have a "useful" first frame? Is my email still readable without the images displayed...

On a single page for you to print out (or not), we've put together a quick reminder of the various points you need to check before sending out your campaigns! We've tried to summarize the various points that are important to check throughout the design of your email campaign. From receiving your HTML creative to sending the campaign, what are the different points you need to pay attention to?

This checklist will help you make sure you don't forget anything when designing and setting up your email campaigns.

Email campaign

Campaign Title:
Address From :
Alias From :

Delivered filesCheck 1Check 2
The HTML file(s)yes / noyes / no
Image filesyes / noyes / no
HTML codeCheck 1Check 2
Images and URL's are in absolute linksyes / noyes / no
The email is coded in tables (tags table,
tr and td/th)
yes / noyes / no
The content starts in a table in width=100%
rather than in the body
yes / noyes / no
The CSS code is inline (except for the media queries
for the mobile version)
yes / noyes / no
Images have an attribute width and altyes / noyes / no
The color codes are well prefixed with # and are
well on 6 characters
yes / noyes / no
Special characters are url-encoded (é -> é)yes / noyes / no
Avoid background imagesyes / noyes / no
CSS properties margin, padding and beacons p :
make sure your email is designed in the different email clients
yes / noyes / no
ImagesCheck 1Check 2
The images have the right dimensions for the emailyes / noyes / no
The images are in JPG or GIF formatyes / noyes / no
Gifanimated: some email clients will only display the 1st
frame of the animation. Make sure that no information
is contained in the rest of the animation
yes / noyes / no
DesignCheck 1Check 2
The email contains a call to action in its upper partyes / noyes / no
The email remains readable even with the images blockedyes / noyes / no
Calls to action are relevant to the purpose of the emailyes / noyes / no
Point of attention before sendingCheck 1Check 2
The text version of the email is in placeyes / noyes / no
The subjectline is not too longyes / noyes / no
If tracking is expected, the tracking parameters are in placeyes / noyes / no
The different links have been tested.yes / noyes / no
The email has been proofread to avoid spelling or grammatical errorsyes / noyes / no
Personalization is displayed correctly (first name, last name, ...)yes / noyes / no
The From address is correctyes / noyes / no
The email has been tested on different email clients
(ideally, with tools such as Litmus or Email On Acid)
yes / noyes / no
A spam test was performed from the sending platform
with the parameters of the final shipment
yes / noyes / no

Support the "Email Expiration Date" initiative

Brevo financially supports the project. Join the movement and together, let's make the email industry take responsibility for the climate emergency.

The author