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Analysis of the marketing sobriety score of a Lagoped product page

As part of our responsible communications agencyWe are currently developing several tools for analyzing communication strategies. One of these is based on theanalysis of the sobriety level of the marketing strategy.

To this end, we are developing a "marketing sobriety score". This is still in its early stages, but in order to validate the methodology, we need to create examples and generate data. This analysis of a product page from the Lagoped brand is therefore an exercise designed to validate (or not, feel free to send us your comments) and to test the method.

Lagoped, a committed brand

Lagoped is a committed mountain clothing brand. It is undoubtedly one of the most committed French brands in this sector. That's why we felt it was a good test case for our marketing sobriety score. We therefore analyzed the flannel shirt product page of the brand.

Marketing sobriety score analysis

For more details on the Marketing Sobriety Score methodology, please visit the dedicated section of our article on the sobriety marketing chain. As mentioned above, our aim is to gather your feedback on this methodology in order to make it even better.

1. Promoting renunciation - Score : 0/4 points

  • Explicit advice not to buy: Absolutely nothing present ? 0/3 points
  • Support to validate the relevance of the purchase: Absolutely nothing present? 0/1 points

2. Increase service life - Score : 1,5/3

  • Repair: The notion of repair is present on the page, but is not "actionable". It is only present in the reassurance and footer menus ? 0.5/1 points
  • Care and use advice: Is there any specific advice on how to wash the shirt so that it lasts as long as possible? 1/1 points
  • Update or upcycling: No info? 0/1 points

3. Enhancing the function - Score : 0/2

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Reading content isn't everything. The best way is to talk to us.

Lagoped doesn't make the most of its position.

4. Resigning yourself to ownership - Score : 0/1

No visibility of second-hand or refurbished purchases.

TOTAL: 1.5/10


This score may seem particularly harsh when you consider Lagoped's commitments, whether in terms of its eco-score, its 5-year warranty on technical products or its investment in the mountain eco-system. This score is purely on the "sober marketing" axis. Lagoped's work on the various aspects of CSR communication is absolutely excellent, especially when it comes to environmental issues.

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