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News : Sarbacane acquires the start-up Datananas

Sarbacanewhich is present in our benchmark on campaign management toolshas just announced the acquisition of the start-up Datananas.

Sarbacane is a routing tool that appeals to the marketing teams of B2B companies, in charge of sending newsletters and emailings to their customers.

Datananas is appealing to the sales teams of B2B companies. Their technology allows to increase the number of appointments of the salesmen by means of personalized emails which leave their mailbox.

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Same target, same vision and complementary technologies.

Through this acquisition, Sarbacane wishes to diversify its activity while remaining in a digital B2b scope. For the moment, Sarbacane's objective is not to integrate Datananas technology into the routing tool. The idea is rather to propose the Datananas technology to the sales teams of the companies which use the Sarbacane solution.

Listen to the interview on Frenchweb of Mathieu Tarnus, founder of Sarbacane and Arthur Ollier, CEO and co-founder of Datananas.

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