Brief: Mailjet launches its email automation module

logo-mailjetThings are moving on the side of the most recent emailing platforms! A few weeks after another player of the same generation, it's Mailjet's turn to launch its automation solution. This is a new proof that marketing automation is becoming more and more popular in all companies, from the smallest to the biggest.

On the side of the system designed by Mailjet, we find ourselves with a linear exploitation of the automation, for the moment, there are no notions of decision blocks. At first, only the welcome program design module is available, but 4 other modules are in preparation:

  • Birthday
  • Reactivation
  • Updating contact properties (thresholds)
  • Triggering on a date

For the occasion, Mailjet has released a video presentation:

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Find the complete presentation of the new features on the Mailjet blog:

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